T-minus 5 days....
Well, my friend Ellen convinced me that I should set up a blog while I'm away, which seemed like a strange idea for a generally technically-unsavy quasi-luddite. But it can't hurt to give it a try. Its a good way of replacing mass emails, though.
I leave for Moscow next Tuesday, and no I'm not packed yet, so don't even think about asking me that question. I better set aside money for the excess baggage fees though. The start up costs for moving to a foreign country are astronomical, and I feel as though I spend all my time running errands. I don't *think* have anything else left to buy....
The resurrgence of Chechen terrorist activity over there in the last week is rather unnerving, but more than anything else, it just makes me angry. The Metro station which was bombed yesterday is MY old station, where I lived the last two times I was there, and I walked in and out of those doors hundreds of times. Of course it's all so random, so there is nothing I can do to control it. Lets just hope I'm never in the wrong place at the wrong time.