In 24 hours.....
I will be waiting for Heather to get to Laura's so that we can cram all of our luggage in her car and leave for Dulles airport. Yes, I realize that's rather anti-climatic milestone, but what can you do?
Its my last day in Charlottesville, and it rainy and dreary, the last remnants of some hurricane. I can't keep track of them anyway. So tonight is farewell sushi dinner (yes, they have sushi in Moscow, but I have no intention of paying for it over there) and them tomorrow is the last errand to the DMV to turn in my plates from my car. And THEN I'm on my way.
I'll get into Moscow at around 12noon Moscow time, which will be early early in the morning for everyone here. Although my apartment does have internet access, I will first have to go the place and reactivate and get it set up on my computer, so I will probably be giving many of you an arrival email from an internet cafe once I get the chance. I have to meet my landlord and get the low-down on the apartment and the neighborhood. If you don't hear from me right away, please don't fret.
So this is a temporary farewell until I am officially settled in the Motherland! Do svidaniia