I'll be spending almost a year in Moscow and St. Petersburg working on my dissertation research, and when I'm not sitting in the archives, I'll keep everyone posted on what I'm up to!

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Desi does it again

I think I jinxed myself by claiming that nothing worth posting has happened to me recently....

.....because I am now the only person I know who has almost died cross country skiing in a city park.

And yes, in case you haven't figured it out yet, I also have tendency for hyperbole.

Yesterday I decided to rent some XX skis and try them out in the same park where Marina & co. and I rented the Finnish sleds a few weeks ago. So I go, get me some skiis and head off. And let me tell you, this is my kind of sport. Aerobic, low-impact, smooth, meditative. Pretty cool. I'm tooling around the park and I decide to ski along the paths on the canals, which are frozen over. Now, normally, I am not the sort of person to walk on frozen ice, even if its been -25 for 2 months straight. Its not my thing. I wish it hadn't been my thing yesterday. So I"m skiing along, pass other skiers, also on the canal. I wanted to ski out to the gulf of Finland to see the snow-wind surfers (on the frozen gulf). Well, suddenly I notice that where I'm skiing is not really that firm anymore. *fuck* I say to myself *I'm going to fall in the fucking ice, in fucking skiis* Thankfully I wasn't that far from the bank, so I ran, as well as anyone in cross country skiis can run to the edge, with the ice breaking and slushing all around me. (Did I mention that it was like 8 degrees F. yesterday?, well it was cold). The bank, however, was quite a slope so I throw myself up the hill, skiis, poles, body. Right as I fling myself up, a couple walks by and asks if everything is okay. *yeah, sure, its just my first time skiing, I'm a novice*. Nichevo. Well, since my skiis and bindings got wet, ice formed immediately so I had to stand there, after convincing myself that I was still alive and chip the ice off before continuing on my way.

Now Marina told me that the canal is like, oh, knee deep, so I really wouldn't have died out there, although my feet may have frozen! Then I taught here a new English word - hyperbole.

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