Desi does it again
I think I jinxed myself by claiming that nothing worth posting has happened to me recently....
.....because I am now the only person I know who has almost died cross country skiing in a city park.
And yes, in case you haven't figured it out yet, I also have tendency for hyperbole.
Yesterday I decided to rent some XX skis and try them out in the same park where Marina & co. and I rented the Finnish sleds a few weeks ago. So I go, get me some skiis and head off. And let me tell you, this is my kind of sport. Aerobic, low-impact, smooth, meditative. Pretty cool. I'm tooling around the park and I decide to ski along the paths on the canals, which are frozen over. Now, normally, I am not the sort of person to walk on frozen ice, even if its been -25 for 2 months straight. Its not my thing. I wish it hadn't been my thing yesterday. So I"m skiing along, pass other skiers, also on the canal. I wanted to ski out to the gulf of Finland to see the snow-wind surfers (on the frozen gulf). Well, suddenly I notice that where I'm skiing is not really that firm anymore. *fuck* I say to myself *I'm going to fall in the fucking ice, in fucking skiis* Thankfully I wasn't that far from the bank, so I ran, as well as anyone in cross country skiis can run to the edge, with the ice breaking and slushing all around me. (Did I mention that it was like 8 degrees F. yesterday?, well it was cold). The bank, however, was quite a slope so I throw myself up the hill, skiis, poles, body. Right as I fling myself up, a couple walks by and asks if everything is okay. *yeah, sure, its just my first time skiing, I'm a novice*. Nichevo. Well, since my skiis and bindings got wet, ice formed immediately so I had to stand there, after convincing myself that I was still alive and chip the ice off before continuing on my way.
Now Marina told me that the canal is like, oh, knee deep, so I really wouldn't have died out there, although my feet may have frozen! Then I taught here a new English word - hyperbole.