stark raving pissed off
The US dollar sucks. I don't know how much they talk about it at home, but the dollar keeps plummetting against the Euro, against the Ruble everything. This phenomenon has meant that my ATM withdrawals have started to cost me more for the same number of rubles, but generally, that's not too bad. But what got me really P-O'd was when I checked my credit card statement today.
A month ago I bought a plane ticket home to the states for Christmas. It wasn't cheap, about $825, I think. Well, that was the Lufthansa price, but the travel agency that sold had to make the transaction in rubles, so they set their own rate, which was rather high. Fine. But I used my credit card, and they have their own rate to convert it back to dollars to bill me. So in reality, my $825 plane ticket cost me $918. I mean WHAT KIND OF FREAKIN' MESSED UP THING IS THAT????? YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, needed to express the rage. Stupid dollar. Stupid exchange rates. Now I've learned my lesson. Next time I buy a plane ticket here, I'm paying cash, even if that means toting around 30,000 rubles. Svolochi!