I'll be spending almost a year in Moscow and St. Petersburg working on my dissertation research, and when I'm not sitting in the archives, I'll keep everyone posted on what I'm up to!

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Propaganda of Olympic proportions

Moscow is one of the finalist cities for the 2012 Olympics (even though $10 says Paris will get it), and all cities had to submit their final bid yesterday. In connection with this, there is some nationally televised festival o'Russian culture and unity that at the moment features high-kicking dancers in folk costumes.

Now I would definitely go to the Olympics if they were in Moscow! Does anybody know if the boycotted 1980 Olympics happened to be televised in America? (I doubt it, but I'm just asking). I'm curious about how the Soviets did the Olympic spectacle.

Anyhoose, off to Latvia! No blogs for awhile!

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