I hate the IRS
There, I said it. Arrest me.
So to file a completely paperless e-file tax return, I need a PIN number. To get a PIN number, I need my 2003 AGI and I have to call the IRS and ask for it. I asked my dad to call, and he did, and they said that as of this year, they can only give the AGI to the person to whom it belongs. Fine. So I tried to call the 800 number today. (Using a calling card from Russia). I was told by a lovely automated voice that the 800 number is not toll free from outside the United States and I would be charged internation DIRECT DIALING rates. Ha ha ha ha ha. Bastards.
Does anyone want to pretend to be me and call the IRS for me?
In the meantime, I went for a walk the other day to an huge, old cemetery a few blocks from where I live. There is a church in the cemetery and I went inside. It was a Sunday so there were various services going on....and a funeral. I had made it this far without seeing a dead body here and I went to a cemetery church and ruined the streak. So now the dead bodies I've seen in Russia count official starts at 1. Lets hope that's the last. (You may wonder why this is an issue, but I am one of few people I know here who has not seen a dead body - usually on the street or in a doorway. In Moscow there is a separate crime statistic called "bodies discovered").
It almost, almost got to above freezing today. The sun was really bright. I think the beginning of spring is also called the "death-by-falling icicle season". I'd rather walk in the street and get hit by a car than be impaled by an icicle. Yikes.