I'll be spending almost a year in Moscow and St. Petersburg working on my dissertation research, and when I'm not sitting in the archives, I'll keep everyone posted on what I'm up to!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

they're baaaack: Scientology strikes again

Sitting at home just now...(okay, lying at home, I don't feel well), cell phone rings. The number is not in my address book but I answer anyway. In Russian a guy asks for me, but its obvious he's not Russian. "What do you want?" "This is Sean with the American Language Center..." [oh boy] "Yeh-huh?" "I was looking through my records and I saw your contract, were in the office for an interview? I've been on vacation." "Yes, I was." "And?..." "There was a gross mix-up and the class you offered me to teach did not in any way fit my schedule." [because why go into the details with this guy, who incidentally has one of the most pronounced Canadian accents I've ever heard] "Oh, I see. Well, while I've got you on the phone...are you still interested in teaching?" "No. I leave the country in a week." "For good?" "Yes, for good." "Well, I see, well..." "Goodbye" Click.

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