I'll be spending almost a year in Moscow and St. Petersburg working on my dissertation research, and when I'm not sitting in the archives, I'll keep everyone posted on what I'm up to!

Thursday, September 30, 2004

You know you can't escape when.....

You see Allan LICHTMAN on television in Russia!

While doing Yoga this morning, I was calmly watching EuroNews, a news program broadcast all over Europe, when a feature about the elections in the states came on, and who should be commenting but Allan-freaking-Lichtman.

This will mean little to people who didn't go to American, and who never took a history class (So Heather, this blog's for you!). He's a history professor there, and a rather "famous" historian of the American electoral process. He's also married to a blond triathete who's at least a foot taller than him, and is at least 10 years younger. Or so I last heard....

Anyway, I realized that I could never go far when an old history professor could follow me to Moscow.

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