I'll be spending almost a year in Moscow and St. Petersburg working on my dissertation research, and when I'm not sitting in the archives, I'll keep everyone posted on what I'm up to!

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Desi's least favorite question to be asked in Russia

What is, are you married? And as soon as I say, no, I get "how old are you"?

This of course, is a fairly common question, but is not necessarily normal or polite. In fact I've been bombarded by questions lately, by former co-workers, old ladies in the Metro, etc.

I have one Russian acquaintance, a Russian girl, who drives me up a wall. I interned with her 7 years ago, and to her I am the American girl to be friends with and to laugh at her Russian and ask her all the time "Why". I kind of wish I could lose her. Are you married yet? Why? Do you have a boyfriend? Why? Who was the guy who answered your phone yesterday? (my landlord, who is 60+) Are you living with a man? Why?

The grandmother who interrogated me in the Metro today had asked me the time, and when I stumbled over it a little, she asked me if I was from Belorus. Belorus! I said, nooooo, I from America. Turns out this 80 year old lady spoke English. And German. According to my roommate, who studies such things, she could have either been a tour guide of sorts, or perhaps a spy. :-) Or a linguist I suppose.

Thankfully, my friends who are remotely sensibly, IF they ask me about my marital status, congratulate me on my restraint, and say that I shouldn't ever bother, really!

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