Desi's least favorite question to be asked in Russia
What is, are you married? And as soon as I say, no, I get "how old are you"?
This of course, is a fairly common question, but is not necessarily normal or polite. In fact I've been bombarded by questions lately, by former co-workers, old ladies in the Metro, etc.
I have one Russian acquaintance, a Russian girl, who drives me up a wall. I interned with her 7 years ago, and to her I am the American girl to be friends with and to laugh at her Russian and ask her all the time "Why". I kind of wish I could lose her. Are you married yet? Why? Do you have a boyfriend? Why? Who was the guy who answered your phone yesterday? (my landlord, who is 60+) Are you living with a man? Why?
The grandmother who interrogated me in the Metro today had asked me the time, and when I stumbled over it a little, she asked me if I was from Belorus. Belorus! I said, nooooo, I from America. Turns out this 80 year old lady spoke English. And German. According to my roommate, who studies such things, she could have either been a tour guide of sorts, or perhaps a spy. :-) Or a linguist I suppose.
Thankfully, my friends who are remotely sensibly, IF they ask me about my marital status, congratulate me on my restraint, and say that I shouldn't ever bother, really!