I'll be spending almost a year in Moscow and St. Petersburg working on my dissertation research, and when I'm not sitting in the archives, I'll keep everyone posted on what I'm up to!

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Desi's top 10 reasons she is happy to be leaving Russia for 10 days

(there are actually about 100, but I"ll just do the highlights)

Drum roll please......

10. Potable drinking water (The District of Columbia excepted)

9. Sensible shoes CAN be fashionable

8. More than 5 hours of daylight

7. 10 days without Desi's lunch special - Cheese and cabbage sandwiches - whoo hoo!

6. Pedestrians' right of way

5. Affordable produce of the non-root-vegetable sort (can we say $12 for a pint of strawberries?!)

4. My dad's cooking

3. Higher standards of personal hygiene. Hell, any standard of personal hygiene.

2. Toilet seats

And the number 1 reason Desi is happy to be leaving Russia for 10 days.......

1. No need to carry your own toilet paper!

You know you need to leave Russia when......you can really imagine yourself punching the guy in the Metro whose pushing you like you are nothing more than some crappy 5 foot 4 inch sardine instead of a HUMAN BEING GODDAMNIT! Yes folks, I'm about to get violent. Its time to come home.

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