Well, I'm going to confess to something terrible. I have played hookey from the archives/libraries 2 times this week. Gasp! Now, I do have a cold, and am somewhat drained as a result, but I am still functional. Yesterday was the only day that was worthwhile. For those 6 hours in the archive, I was going gangbusters, transcribing like a mad woman, so I felt good about that. But otherwise, its really hard to concentrate.
Today, I am at home trying to organize my database, to help me write my new research proposal, which is just something I DON'T want to do. Now, Nicole, you should say to me, "get off your damn blog and get back to work!", like you have encouraged me, and others to do for you. (How's that paper coming?) And I don't even have a full time job. This IS my job.
And I like my research, I'm enjoying it, I'm just tired. I'm just complaining, I suppose. Feel free to ignore me.
On a funnier note, I am about to challenge the world record for the number of times a person has seriously injured, or nearly broken her ASS in 4 months. (The previous world record holder is none other than Desi Hopkins, who in 1997 in Moscow, fell on the ice at a shoe market two times in the same day, fell naked in the bathtub on her ass, and fell again on the ice, while very drunk on Thanksgiving.) The other day I took a fall down some slippery 'perekhod' stairs the other day and have a big ole' bruise on my right buttock. Now, the winter is just starting here, which portents a long hard road ahead. But this first fall comes only a month - 1 month - after my tail bone finally, truly healed, after the what is known as "The time Desi fell out of a tree in the middle of the Mt. Rogers wilderness area, while she was camping all alone, when she tried to rescue her bear bag rope up in the tree, and forgot to hang on to the tree and landed on a root with her ass Incident". As my mother said I after that, "at least in Moscow I don't have to worry about you falling out of any trees." True, true, but that is no guarantee that won't break my ass again.