"What is the purpose of your visit?"
Well folks, I"ve spent a restlful 10 days in the Good Ole' USA, which I normally wouldn't refer to as such because I"m not generally nostalgic in a patriotic sort of way. But the visit was nice. I made my way south after staying with 2 old college friends in the DC area, and in Charlottesville, and then to Danville where I met my parents at my Aunt's house, where I was promptly stuffed with food. (actually Alina made a point of stuffing me with food up in DC - I'm sure I've gained at least 5 pounds in 10 days!)
My trip in went smoothly, except when the lady at the Moscow passport control claimed I didn't look anything like my passport photo. I swear she examined it 20 times, staring at it, and then at me, at it, and then at me, etc....I had to explain I was 19 when the picture was taken, and shock! may have changed since then. Of course when I arrived in Washington, that passport control lady - in the US citizens line - when she looked at my US passport asked me "what is the purpose of your visit to the US?". I thought "is this a trick question?" I LIVE HERE. Sort of. I mean, I'm a citizen, but don't have a residence, live in another country, but INTEND to live here again. That one threw me. Maybe she usually works the foreign visitors line.
What was hardest to believe - especially after the jet lag/plane induced lack of sleep - that instead of just coming home from Russia, tomorrow I have to get on a plane AND GO BACK.
It doesn't seem so bad now, since I have had a much needed rest, have gorged myself with food, exercised just a little, driven a car, read old magazines, slept in my own bed, received wonderful gifts of warm socks, brownie mix, wool sweaters, and a pretty necklace from my friends and family. Its all about the creature comforts. My duffle home includes, in addition to wool/cashmere blend sweaters: brownie mix, hot cocoa mix, fuzzy socks, a bottle of Virginia wine, the new 2005 Onion headline desk calendar, a jar of Smuckers all Natural Peanut butter, Almond M&Ms, 3 new Smithsonians, granola bars, my trail shoes, new hiking socks, and 3-section collapsable trekking poles and a bunjy cord. Its a wonder it all fit! THank you all!
Unfortunately, the 1953 Soviet version of Russian Scrabble wouldn't fit, but that's waiting for me when I return! A gift rescued from the trash by my mother's co-worker whose husband used to live in Russia! A scrabble game I will finally win (if I play against you all)
Well, off to pack the carry on. More from the other side of the pond when I finally arrive.